San Francisco Business Breakfast

Thursday, November 2, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (PT)

Join us at Shack15

You are invited to this exclusive event at the beautiful Shack15 in San Francisco.  

The morning will consist of breakfast and lunch, time to network and hear from Asana, Yelp, Meta, Fiverr, Real Chemistry, and other guests from large enterprises, executive panel discussions, and a keynote surrounding generative AI, social data, and data-driven MarComms. 

We’ll explore key themes like:
  • What does it mean to be a consumer-centric brand and what brands are examples of this in action?
  • What you can do right now to put Generative AI to work across your entire marketing/comms cycle.
  • What do the next five years look like for MarComms as a result of this new technology?
  • How to be a data-driven communicator and what does it mean in practice?
  • Real-life examples from Asana, Yelp, Meta, Fiverr, Real Chemistry, and many more
Seats are limited as it's an intimate gathering. Once you have registered to reserve your spot, we'll send you a rideshare gift card to make your trip easier. 

Fill Out The Form Below To Register


9:00-9:15 | Registration & breakfast
9:15-9:45 | Panel: How to leverage data to create a successful consumer-centric strategy
9:45-10:10 | Keynote: How Generative AI will transform MarComms
10:10 - 10:45 | Panel: Data-driven Communications
10:45-12:00 | Closing remarks, lunch, and networking

Speakers (More to be Announced)

Bjorn Trowery

Head of Consumer Communications

Shannon Duffy


Aaron Strout

Real Chemistry

Eric Porterfield

Director, Public Affairs

Brittany Paxman

Managing Partner
Point 600

Holly Steffy

Director of Communications

Guillaume Decugis

Chief Product Officer
Meltwater Enterprise

Alex Lin-Goldsmith

Sr. Director, Corporate Comms